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Question: Parents sometimes disapprove of children's mate. Why?

1. There are no doubt some cases where there is no scriptural basis
for disapproval. Some parents are guilty of interfering with and
trying to run their adult children's lives.

2. On the other hand, many mothers and fathers have had the
occasion to feel as Rebekah (Gen. 27:46ff).

3. Right-thinking parents must disapprove of that which God
disapproves. cf. Matt. 19:9.
     a. single
     b. One whose mate has died
     c. One who has put away spouse for fornication.

4. During those formative years, there are questions a caring
parent will ask; and effort will be made to give wise counsel in
these areas.
     What kind of spouse will help my child go to heaven?
     What kind of spouse will make a good mother and father? cf.
Eph. 6:4.
     If you child is a daughter, will her prospective husband
recognize his responsibility to provide for his family? cf. 1 Tim.

If you have corrections, questions, comments or suggestions about these questions and answers, please contact Leon Mauldin directly at

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