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Question: Explain John 3:13

     This text says "no one hath ascended into heaven, but he that
descended out of heaven, even the Son of man, who is in heaven."
What about Elijah, didn't he ascend into heaven?

Answer: "Enoch, Elijah, amy have been translated that they should
not see death, but they are not so lifted into the abode of God
that they might come thence charge with heavenly truth, and able to
explain the 'how' of divine grace....Man, if he should presume to
come with a full revelation of Divine and heavenly things, must
come down from a height to which he had previously ascended; but no
man has thus and for this purpose ascended, except he who has
descended from heaven, having been there before his manifestation
in the flesh, having been in God, with God, in the bosom of the
Father, and having come thence, not losing his essential ego, his
Divine personality..." (Pulpit.119,120).

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